Most common questions used to investigate
Do you regularly eat healthy foods that are high in magnesium?
Do you take vitamins?
Do your nails turn purple when it is cold?
Common conclusions
Fingernails that look purple may be due to magnesium deficiency, so you should start eating more healthy foods that are high in magnesium such as avocados, whole grains, nuts, etc. Magnesium also assists with the synthesis of proteins and healthy nail growth.
The best way to enhance and preserve nail health is by consuming a range of vitamins and nutrients. You need to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds in your diet, as well as adequate protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
Cold temperatures may sometimes lead to the appearance of purple nails. If this is the case, it is actually the skin and blood vessels under the nails that turn blue - not the actual nail itself. This is a natural physiological response as fingernails turn blue from the cold when the body starts to transfer blood flow from the arms, hands and feet, to the chest and abdomen, so that internal body temperatures are preserved.
Purple nails may be caused by various conditions and in some cases, the discoloration may be an indicator of a health problem, including problems with the production of red blood cells and in extreme cases - heart failure. In most cases, discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes - a condition known as cyanosis - is due to low oxygen saturation in the tissues and red blood cells near the dermis. The skin discoloration could also mean that there’s a high level of hemoglobin in the blood. Consult with a doctor for further diagnosis.
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