Most common questions used to investigate
Do you want your eyes to pop?
Do you have thin hair?
Do you have dark hair already?
Common conclusions
You will have eyebrows that do not suit the hair on top of the head if your natural hair color is so much brighter than black.
Dyeing your hair black will help your eyes stand out if your natural hair color is not doing anything for them. Black hair will compliment and enhance your skin, regardless of their colour. If you are going to make a drastic change like going black, which is exceedingly difficult to undo, it is better to entrust the job to a knowledgeable colorist who will know exactly how to produce the desired results.
Hair that is lighter in color seems to be less stable and thin. As a result, dying hair black will make it appear thicker.
You should be aware of the maintenance requirements before dying your hair black. Hair grows about half an inch every month, so the roots of your hair can appear on a regular basis. If your natural hair color is light, if you do not retouch your roots as soon as they start to grow out, you will look like a skunk on a regular basis. To keep the color, you should dye your roots every 3-6 weeks.
Great! You should dye your hair black. Since it will not be a dramatic improvement, you are less likely to be disappointed after you dye it.
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