Most common questions used to investigate
Do you use a calorie tracker?
Do you follow a strict diet?
Do you weigh yourself often?
Are you taking any weight loss pills?
Does your exercise routine contain a mix of cardio and weight training?
Do you drink enough water?
Common conclusions
It is not possible to lose weight by just exercising without focusing on diet. You must track your calories as well because there is no point if you eat as much as you burn. Look at it as income and expense. Income is what you eat and expense is what you burn. In this case, you want a deficit, so you want to spend more than what you earn. When you eat more than what you burn, you pile on pounds. Likewise, when you eat as much as what you spend, you maintain. So, there is no way you can lose weight without tracking calories.
The diet you choose doesn't have to be restrictive because when you eat a lot less food, your body's metabolism changes, and it creates more problems for you. A better option is to follow a consistent diet that is healthy. In other words, you must follow a diet that you can adopt for the next 2-3 years, and not just a short time. This is why a diet must be a lifestyle choice that is aimed to give you better health.
Well, focusing too much on weight will not give the results you want. Though this sounds counter-intuitive, the truth is that everybody is different, so your body may become more toned and this may not necessarily reflect in the weighing scale. Also, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for the scales to start showing results. Be persistent and continue to put in the effort.
It is not a good idea for many reasons. First off, these pills may not always help you to lose weight as they claim because your body could handle it differently. Also, these pills may have side-effects that can lead to long-term implications for you. Hence, it is best you stay away from these pills.
Doing only one set of exercises may not be a good idea. You must mix different exercise routines not just to work different muscles, but also to ensure that your body doesn't get used to a specific set of exercises. Hence, mixing different exercises like cardio and weight management are necessary for long-term bone health and to lose weight.
An often overlooked aspect of nutrition is water. When you don't consume enough water, it will lead to dehydration, and can even impact your body's metabolism. Adding exercise to the equation can worsen your health. So, make sure you consume enough water.
Excellent! Make sure you also follow a good exercise routine and diet.
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