Did your dog's face suddenly became swollen?
Does your dog show any symptoms of dental problems (broken tooth, bleeding gums, etc)?
Have your dog suffered an injury to the face, head, or skin?
Allergic reactions cause an inflammatory response in the body. This can lead to hives and swelling, especially on the face. When a dog's face suddenly becomes swollen, it is usually caused by an allergic reaction. Allergic reactions may be caused by bug bites, bee stings, vaccinations, medications, certain foods, toxin exposure, pollen, and other environmental allergens. Some allergic reactions will get worse quickly, leading to serious problems breathing or even seizures. Mild reactions tend to improve with little intervention, but major reactions are considered emergencies.
Facial swelling may be related to a problem with the teeth or mouth. Tooth abscesses and other dental infections can go deep beneath the gums and cause a pocket to fill with pus. This usually causes a dog's face to become swollen, especially beneath the eye. Broken teeth, oral injuries, and periodontal disease may also make a dog's face swell.
An injury to the face, head, or skin can lead to facial swelling. Common injuries like animal bites and other wounds can lead to infections that cause swelling. Snake bites often cause swelling of the face and neck, even if the bite is located elsewhere on the body. An abscess needs immediate veterinary attention. A vet will be able to treat your dog with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics. In more serious cases, the abscess may need surgical draining.
Abnormal growths can occur on the face and head. Sometimes cancerous, tumors can cause pain and pressure buildup. Whether they are benign or malignant, facial tumors may spread and grow, causing damage to the facial nerves, muscles, and bones. Cysts are fluid-filled growths that are often benign. However, they can become quite large and visible, especially on the face.
Sreten null
Hi! I’m Sreten Filipović. I graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Belgrade, with a master's degree in Environmental Protection in Agricultural Systems. I’ve worked as a researcher at Finland's Natural Resources Institute (LUKE) on a project aimed at adapting south-western Finland to drought episodes. I founded a consulting agency in the field of environment and agriculture to help farmers who want to implement the principles of sustainability on their farms. I’m also a founding member of the nonprofit organization Ecogenesis from Belgrade whose main goal is non-formal education on the environment and ecology. In my spare time, I like to write blog posts about sustainability, the environment, animal farming, horticulture, and plant protection. I’ve also published several science-fiction short stories.
You can find me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/sreten-filipovi%C4%87-515aa5158/