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What Can I Do To Boost Self-Confidence?

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proposes Do you compare yourself to others?

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Most common questions used to investigate

Do you compare yourself to others?

Do you move around regularly or exercise?

Do you always strive for perfection?

Do you always focus and cry on the mistakes you make?

Do you focus on the things you can change?

Do you spend time on things that you enjoy?

Do you celebrate the small achievements in your daily life?

Common conclusions

You do you. Comparing yourself to other people is a sure-fire way to start feeling crummy. Try to focus on your own goals and achievements, rather than measuring them against someone else’s. Nobody needs that kind of pressure!

Exercise is a great way to increase motivation, practice setting goals and build confidence. Breaking a sweat also cues the body to release endorphins, the feel-good hormones.

Nobody’s perfect. Always strive to be the best version of yourself, but it’s also important to accept that perfection is an unrealistic goal.

Remember that everyone makes mistakes. You’ve got to make mistakes in order to learn and grow, so try not to beat yourself up if you forget to hit CTRL+S on a super-important assignment. Everyone’s been there.

It’s easy to get hung up on all the things that are out of your control, but it won’t achieve much. Instead, try to focus your energy on identifying the things that are within your control and seeing what you can do about them.

If you spend time doing the things you enjoy, you’re more likely to think positively. Try to schedule in a little you-time every day. Whether that’s time spent reading, cooking or just conking out on the couch for a bit, if it makes you happy, make time for it.

You got up on time this morning. Tick. You poached your eggs to perfection. Winning. Celebrating the small victories is a great way to build confidence and start feeling better about yourself.

There are many other things to do which might help you have greater confidence such as helping others. Being helpful and considerate to other people will certainly boost their mood, but it’ll also make you feel pretty good about yourself. Most of all, find people who make you feel good about yourself and avoid those who tend to trigger your negative thinking.

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Hi! I’m Muneeb. My background is in Electrical Engineering, IT and General Sciences . I enjoy writing about electronics, DIY and Self-Help. I’m always in pursuit of interesting materials and I love reading books and blogs about new technologies, IT solutions or DIY guides. You can find me on LinkedIn at: []