Most common questions used to investigate
Does your car insurance include legal assistance?
Have you ever been in a position to use legal assistance?
Do you anticipate a situation where you'll be needing legal assistance?
Do you know what the legal assistance covers?
Are you looking for an inexpensive add-on?
Do you prefer to choose your own lawyer?
Common conclusions
Most times, you have to pay an additional fee to include legal assistance as a part of your car insurance. But before you do that, you'll have to ask yourself if this extra protection is needed, and the answer depends on your needs and personal preferences. If you tend to be those on the extra careful side who wants to cover every possible expense and eventuality, go ahead and add the extra-legal assistance to your policy. But on the other hand, if you think you can handle problems as they come up, you don't have to spend this extra money.
You're not alone because most people don't need legal assistance. This is most useful only when you have to go to a court of law and want an insurance cover that would take care of the legal expenses by way of lawyer fees that may come up as a result of it.
The obvious answer is you don't need legal assistance since most car owners don't go to the courts. Even if they are fined for speeding, they either pay the fees or contest it in court, but that doesn't need a lawyer, and you can do it by yourself. In fact, it may be cheaper to pay the fines rather than paying for legal assistance on your car insurance.
Well, different car insurance policies have different coverages for legal assistance. But by and large, it will cover any legal action and the related expenses that are initiated by others against you, especially when that accident was not your fault. This is likely to include personal injury to passengers, damage to the car, loss of possessions, loss of income or income earning capacity, and any other expenses that may come as a result of it. Check what your policy covers and if it is fairly comprehensive
The good news is legal assistance doesn't cost much, so it can be a great add-on that can come in handy in a difficult situation.
It merits to note that you may not be able to choose your own lawyer, and most times, you'll have to go with the lawyer provided by the insurance company. Also, your claim will not be successful if your legal defense is weak, and this could mean a fine payment, even if you have legal assistance cover on your car insurance.
If you don't care much about the lawyer who will represent you, go for the legal assistance cover. But remember, the company can stop funding your legal expenses if the lawyer decides that you don't have a chance of winning.
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