Most common questions used to investigate
Do you set time limits?
Have you set parental controls?
Are you aware of what they are watching?
Do you allow them to watch while eating?
Do they watch just before going to bed?
Do they want educational videos or apps?
Common conclusions
It is maybe ok to allow your three-year-old child to watch a few videos or play a couple of simple games on the mobile. But they can't do it for an endless time as it not only impacts their mental growth but can also be a strain on their eyes and fingers. Also, this can make the children so wired that falling asleep may become difficult.
It is hard to have control over what your child watches because you can be busy doing other things when they are watching the mobile. Though it is ok to use the mobile phone as a babysitter for a few minutes, it is never a good idea to allow them to watch anything without parental controls, especially given that more than 70% of the content is not suitable for young children.
Make sure you are always aware of what your child is doing on the mobile phone. You don't want them sending random messages or making calls to your contacts, as not everyone would be thrilled with this idea. Also, they can't do anything on the mobile phone, so give them permission to only watch a few things and that too, only for a limited time.
Never uses a mobile phone as a distraction to make them eat anything that is served on the plate, as this lays the foundation for bad food habits in the future.
This is another bad habit that you must avoid at all costs. When a child uses a mobile phone, the brain becomes active and highly wired, and this can make it difficult for your child to fall asleep, thereby affecting the quality of sleep and the time they fall asleep. Both these can impact the physical and mental growth of your child, hence must be avoided at all costs.
While it is fine to expose your child to the digital world for a few minutes, it can never be a substitute for interactions with other human beings. Also, this idea of virtual learning does not augur well because they are not yet ready for such virtual lessons. Instead, make it a point to sit with your kid, have some skin-to-skin contact, and talk to your child. This is the best way to help them learn a language or anything else that you may want them to learn.
Stay on top of what your kids do on the mobile phone.
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