Most common questions used to investigate
Do you know your weak spots?
Are you accountable to anyone?
Have you created "distractions" for yourself?
Do you maintain a journal?
are you inclined to spirituality?
Do you have a security item?
Common conclusions
The first to getting over your addictive behavior is to know your weak spots as this will help you to predict when you will do the habit that you're trying to break out from. For example, if you're looking to quit smoking, you should know the possible scenarios that will draw you back to it, and try to avoid the same. Identifying these weak spots can prevent repetitive behavior and can slowly help to avoid your addiction completely.
In the professional world, accountability is what leads to good performance. You know that you will be given the pink slip when you don't perform and this is the driver for better productivity and effort from you. Setting this same accountability to your personal life, and to your addictive behavior, in particular, can help to overcome it faster.
While trying to get out of addictive behavior, it is important you have distractions for yourself. This could be anything from reading a book to pursuing your hobby or even getting into some physical activity like running to take your mind away from the behavior you want to overcome.
When you are trying to create some habits or looking to come out of it, journals are your best friend. Make sure you make a note every time you indulge in a particular behavior and along with it, pen down the root cause that led to doing this action in the first place. Analyze your journal once a month or once a week, depending on the frequency of your actions, to determine the root cause that leads you to do an action each time.
Spirituality can give you a sense of control and can put you in a better position to handle your addictive behavior. It can help you to understand yourself better and may even connect to the world around you that includes not just people, but also other creatures, and even the environment. There are many ways to get mental peace through spirituality, so choose the path that works best for you.
Grab it and keep it near you as this can give you a ton of comfort when you're trying hard to get out of a behavior.
Consider having your own security item that will comfort you during difficult times. It can be a blanket, purse, object, to just about anything else that can give a sense of confidence and normalcy to you. While it is hard to explain in words, the feeling that you get when you keep a security item is truly comforting. So, if you've never tried it before, pick a favorite item, and hold on to it.
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