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Do I Have Kawasaki Disease?

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proposes Do you have a fever that is often higher than 39 C (102.2 F) and lasts more than three days?

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Most common questions used to investigate

Do you have a fever that is often higher than 39 C (102.2 F) and lasts more than three days?

Do you have extremely red ("bloodshot") eyes without a thick discharge?

Do you have very red, dry, cracked lips?

Do you have a “strawberry tongue” (extremely red tongue with enlarged papillae (small bumps on the surface of your tongue) that give the appearance of a strawberry)?

Do you have a pink rash on your body including the genital area?

Do you have a sore throat?

Do you have a swollen, red skin on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet?

Do you have enlarged lymph nodes on one side of your neck?

Do you feel irritated?

Do you have peeling of the skin on the hands and feet, especially the tips of the fingers and toes, often in large sheets?

Do you have a joint pain?

Do you have abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting?

Common conclusions

Based on your answers it is unlikely that you have Kawasaki disease. Kawasaki disease (KD) is an illness that causes swelling and inflammation of blood vessels in the body. It tends to affect the arteries that supply the heart with oxygen and nutrients (coronary arteries). The cause of this condition is unknown, but it is believed to be linked to an infection or genetic predisposition. KD occurs worldwide and it is a primary cause of acquired heart disease in children in the US. It is more common in boys than in girls, as well as in children younger than 5 years old.

Based on your answers there is a possibility that you have Kawasaki disease. Kawasaki disease (KD) is a medical condition characterized by an inflammation of your body’s blood vessels including the arteries that supply your heart with blood. It also affects lymph nodes, skin and the lining of your mouth, nose and throat. KD symptoms may be similar to other childhood viral and bacterial infections, so a doctor may order blood and urine tests, and an echocardiogram to confirm the diagnosis. Timely treatment is vital to prevent possible complications and heart damage. In most cases, the fever disappears within 24 hours and the children fully recover.

Based on your answers there is a high possibility that you have Kawasaki disease. Kawasaki disease (KD) is a type of vasculitis which means that causes inflammation of the blood vessels in your body. The symptoms of KD appear in three stages, and some of them can seem frightening, but most children recover completely. If left untreated Kawasaki disease can cause serious complications, such as coronary artery aneurysms, leakage of valves, and build-up of fluid around the heart. Treatment includes admitting a child to a hospital for a few days and intravenous infusion of medications that will help reduce swelling and inflammation of the blood vessels.


MAYO CLINIC, Kawasaki disease
MAYO CLINIC, Kawasaki disease
Cincinnati Children’s, Kawasaki Disease
American Heart Association, Kawasaki disease
Nemours KidsHealth, Kawasaki disease
CDC, About Kawasaki Disease

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jelena mihajlovic
Hi! I’m Jelena Radovanovic. After earning my Phd in General Medicine from the Medical University of Nis, I began a career as a physician in order to pursue my passion for medical science and help treat the people around me. I joined the Medical Center in Nis in 2010 where I gained practical knowledge in real-time situations. In addition to my primary job as a General Practitioner, I’ve worked with nonprofits to help underprivileged patients by providing them with information, services, and assistance. You can find me on Upwork at: