Most common questions used to investigate
Do you have a grandiose sense of self-importance?
Do you have a deep need for attention from people around you?
Do you love to constantly talk about your own accomplishments and achievements?
Can you feel how another person is feeling?
Common conclusions
Having a grandiose sense of self-importance is a defining characteristic of NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) so you are definitely narcissistic. People with NPD have a sense of superiority over others, so if you believe that you are better than others you are narcissistic.
You may have narcissistic personality disorder. Those with narcissistic personality disorder have a deep need for attention and admiration from people around them and this is because they typically rely on other people as a source of self-esteem and do not have a defined sense of self.
If you love to constantly talk about your own accomplishments and achievements with grandiose you are definitely a narcissist. You are doing it because you feel better and smarter than everyone else, and also because it helps you create an appearance of being self-assured.
Narcissists lack the skill to make you feel seen, validating, understood, or accepted because they do not grasp the concept of feelings. Do you care when your partner had a bad day at work? If you do not care then you are definitely a narcissistic person because you are unable to empathize.
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