Most common questions used to investigate
Do you go to sleep the same time every night?
Do you go to bed early every night?
Do you exercise every day?
Do you eat a light dinner?
Do you have a morning routine?
Do you feel stressed?
Common conclusions
Your body thrives on routine and hence, you should maintain a schedule, at least for the most part. For example, you can hit the bed at 10 PM on six days a day and have one cheat day to catch up on a movie on a TV series. But if you go to bed at varying times each night, your body is confused and doesn't know what to anticipate. So, it's schedule is unpredictable and this can impact the way you feel in the mornings.
It's important to understand that your body follows something called a circadian rhythm. This is typically a schedule where you go to sleep early and get up early for maximum energy. If you're wondering why this rhythm is set like this, step back a few years, and think about our ancestors who were roaming the forests. They used to retire to sleep after the sunset and would get up with the first rays of the sun. And a result, we are genetically coded to follow this routine and that's why it is always a good idea to sleep early and get up early to have the maximum energy.
Exercise is an important part of your daily routine and one that's absolutely essential for good health. It releases a hormone called endorphins that helps you to feel energized throughout the day. But make sure you never exercise at night or during late evenings as this can make you feel fresh and prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. Of course, it means you'll never be able to get up fresh the next day.
There is a reason why our ancestors asked you to eat your breakfast like a king, lunch like a commoner, and dinner like a pauper. When you eat a heavy meal, it will take a long time for your body to digest it and in turn, this can impede your sleep schedule. This is why you should eat light for dinner and preferably eat it early so your body has digested a good part of it before you go to sleep.
Having a defined morning routine can get you going quickly. Whether you start your day with a cup of coffee, shower, or even with meditation, it gives a certain routine to your day and gives you something to look forward to.
Stress can throw your body's hormones out of routine and can impede your sleep schedule, thereby making you feel tired and unproductive the next day. So, make sure you take the necessary steps to combat stress.
Great! Continue to keep stress at bay.
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