Most common questions used to investigate
Do you feel pain when eating or drinking something cold?
Do you feel pain while brushing your teeth after you had a professional dental cleaning?
Do you feel pain in one or several teeth painful after you had a professional dental cleaning?
Common conclusions
Feeling pain after eating or drinking cold foods or beverages is caused by your dentine sensitivity. Such a condition occurs due to plaque and calculus removal. You may feel a bit sensitive for 1-2 days after a cleaning procedure. The condition is temporary and stops as soon as enamel accumulates on your teeth. In the meantime, you can use toothpaste and mouthwash for sensitive teeth when brushing. This may help you reduce the pain feelings and make your enamel recover faster. If the condition persists, visit your dentist for a fluoride treatment.
It seems you may feel yourself uncomfortable while your regular teeth brushing routine due to slight gum inflammation. Such situation occurs when your calculus had been removed but the gum tissue has not recovered yet. It may took its natural place and the irritation stops. In the meantime, you can use a herbal mouthwash and put some soothing gel remedy on your gums. This condition is temporary and will stop as soon as your soft tissues recover. Otherwise, you may need to see your dentist for further examination.
Feeling pain in one or several teeth is not directly connected with your regular professional dental cleaning. However, such a situation may occur due to defects on your enamel surface, which become visible after your plaque was removed. Schedule a visit to your dentist for a detailed examination and suitable treatment.
Based on your answers, it is difficult to determine the particular cause of your pain. Consult your dentist for more information.
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