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Why Does My Car Jerk When It Accelerates?

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Most common questions used to investigate

Did you just start your car after a break and the engine's cold?

Check the fuel injectors. Are they dirty and have carbon deposits present on them?

Is your car giving out some smoke or does it smell of a rotten egg(hydrogen sulfide) or having bad mileage?

Is the car jerking when you accelerate at high speeds?

Check the fuel pump and filter. Are they dirty and clogged?

Is the air filter dirty and clogged with debris?

Check the spark plugs. Are they dirty and have rust on them?

Is the accelerator cable worn out?

Common conclusions

Most old cars require the driver to turn the car ON and get the engine heated enough so that it may not misfire.

A dirty fuel injector can cause the car to jerk while driving at constant speed or accelerating from a static pose. Clean them regulary or get them cleaned by a mechanic.

The problem may be with a bad catalytic converter which is responsible for reducing the amount of pollutants. You can use a cleaner solution to clean it or get it cleaned at an auto repair shop.

The cause for the jerking may be due to the mass airflow sensor. It monitors the amount of air entering the engine so it the computer in the car can control the amount of fuel to give. In most cases, the engine light will also turn ON in case of a bad airflow sensor. It is better to get it checked and replaced.

These two components are used to pump the fuel to the engine and keep it clean. So if even one is faulty, the car will jerk as it will not get the required fuel.

An air filter will keep the air intake constant but if it is dirty, the air flow will cease and the engine will not have the optimum air to fuel ratio which may cause the jerking. Clean/wash the filter or replace it with a new one.

Dirty spark plugs are one of the most common causes for cars to jerk while accelerating. Replace the plugs with new ones as a dirty plug will prevent proper ignition causing the engine to misfire.

A worn out cable will cause the response of the accelerator to slow down which might cause the car to lurch forward instead of a smooth acceleration.

There could be some other causes as well so it is better to get the car checked at an auto shop instead of waiting as it might cause some irreparable damage.

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Hi! I’m Muneeb. My background is in Electrical Engineering, IT and General Sciences . I enjoy writing about electronics, DIY and Self-Help. I’m always in pursuit of interesting materials and I love reading books and blogs about new technologies, IT solutions or DIY guides. You can find me on LinkedIn at: []