Most common questions used to investigate
Do you know what type of skin you have?
Do you wash your face often?
Have you tried an astringent before?
Are you familiar with facial masks?
Do you apply moisturizers?
Does the external environment impact your skin?
Common conclusions
Knowing your skin type is absolutely essential before you decide on a specific course of treatment or application and that's because different substances should be applied for different skins. There are many home tests available to know your skin type. For example, wash your face, wait for an hour, and touch your forehead with a piece of cotton. If you find it oily, you have oily skin. On the other hand, if your skin feels tight, you have dry skin and neither indicates normal skin.
Washing your face regularly brings down the amount of oil on your face. While washing, you use mild soap and warm water. Make sure to avoid fragrant soaps or those that come with moisturizers or harsh chemicals that can increase the irritation on your face. Consider using medicated soaps with substances like benzoyl peroxide as this can bring down the amount of oil on your face.
It's time you try now as astringents dry out your skin. They contain alcohol that enlarges pores and removes the small pieces of dust and debris present in it. At the same time, it's important you understand that these astringent lotions can cause irritation to some skins, so test a small area before you proceed.
Certain facial masks are designed specifically to treat oily skin. Any mask that's based on bentonite or smectite can absorb the sebum levels of your skin without drying it out too much. Honey and oatmeal combinations are also great for reducing oil on your face.
Stop right away! The oil and grease present on moisturizers can make your condition worse and can increase the presence of oil on your face. If you still want to use one, opt for oil-free moisturizers that keep your skin moist without adding to the grease and oiliness. Likewise, avoid oil-based makeups as they can make your skin worse. If you want to use makeup, opt for water-based ones.
If you live in a humid place or one where there is a lot of dust and debris, you'll have to take additional precautions to clean your skin regularly to avoid acne and other skin conditions.
Great! One or more treatments can help to remove the oil from your face and over time, the type and texture of your skin may change.
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