Most common questions used to investigate
Do you know what oil pulling is?
Have you tried baking soda?
Do you know that hydrogen peroxide is a good whitener?
Do you eat lots of fruits and vegetables?
Do you consume a lot of teeth-staining foods?
Does discoloration happen with age?
Common conclusions
Oil pulling is a treatment followed by many people in East Asian countries to naturally whiten their teeth and improve their oral hygiene. In this practice, take a gulp of sunflower oil and swish it around in your mouth for about two minutes. This helps to remove the bacteria that can cause plaque to build up, thereby making your teeth look yellow. Besides sunflower oil, coconut oil is also used to naturally whiten teeth through this oil pulling technique. At the same time, it's important to note that there is no scientific research to prove or disprove this practice.
Yes, you heard that right! Baking soda is not only good for your baked goodies, but also for your teeth as it has whitening properties. This is probably why it's also used in most toothpaste as well. Also, baking soda can remove the germs from your mouth. Brushing with baking soda will not whiten your teeth overnight, but it will happen over time and the effects will be lasting.
Let this chemical name not fool you as hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent that whitens your teeth and kills all the bacteria in it. For many centuries, people have used this mixture to clean wounds because of its bacteria-killing effect. This is how it prevents bacteria from accumulating on your teeth as well. It also explains why this is used extensively in all toothpaste.
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is good for your body and teeth. This is because when you bite into crunchy foods, it tends to remove the bacterial accumulation on your teeth and can naturally make your teeth whiter. Besides, research shows that strawberries and pineapples brighten your teeth.
Many foods stain your teeth such as coffee, soda, and dark berries. While this doesn't mean you should stop them altogether, make sure you consume it in limited quantities. If possible avoid any direct contact between your teeth and coffee. Another choice is to brush every time after you eat or drink a teeth-staining food.
Age alone is not a factor for discoloration as it just means that plaque has been sitting on your teeth for a longer time. You can still remove it with the right whitening method. It is best you visit a dental clinic for the clean up because of the huge plaque accumulation on your teeth.
To some extent, teeth discoloration comes with age, especially if you haven't been maintaining your oral health. This is more likely the case if you have skipped your brushing or flossing or both as they are proven ways to remove bacteria from your teeth. Start right away and it won't be long before your teeth become white again!
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