Most common questions used to investigate
Do your actions match your words?
Do you work hard?
Are you honest?
Are you compassionate towards other living beings?
Are you grounded?
Are you happy?
Do you have the courage to stand up for the things that matter to you?
Common conclusions
This means you're not living true to your values. What you do and what you say must be the same. You can't afford to say something and do something contradictory as this will be against your values. For example, if you advocate the world that everyone should maintain time, you can't turn up late for an event.
Working hard is one of the basic aspects that ensure that you are true to your values, regardless of what the values are. If you have a strong work ethic and if you give 100% of your effort and dedication to the job, you're living true to your values. As a bonus, this hard work is sure to help you reach your goals as well.
You should be honest 100% of the time and not just when it is convenient for you. If you're not honest at all times, you're definitely not true to your values as honesty is the basis of every value and its corresponding action. When you're honest, people trust you and this bonding can last through not just good times, but bad times as well.
Being compassionate towards other living beings takes you closer to your values. Likewise, never judge others too quickly for their actions because you never know what their point of view is without bringing in the other person's shoes. So, in all, refrain from making judgments about others and criticizing them without knowing the circumstances of their actions.
Humility is one of the basic tenets of all values. You should be humble and grounded regardless of all that you have achieved in your life. Never forget your roots and the life you once lived as this will help you to remain humble. Remember, material things may come and go, but values and people last forever and you can earn the last two only with humility.
Happiness comes from sticking to your values. While life's turns can make you unhappy from time to time, your values will be the beacon of light that will always guide you back to happiness and peace. Unless you stick to your values, you'll have nothing to fall back on when life gives you a big blow. SO, knowing whether you're happy and peaceful or not determines whether you're being true to your values.
Great! You're a true leader and one that can inspire people to stick to their values.
It makes no sense if you can't stand up for what you believe in because it is your courage that will make things happen for you. Moreover, it will also inspire others to follow in your footsteps and stick to their values.
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