Most common questions used to investigate
Are your teeth clean?
Do you have crooked or broken teeth?
Do you know how to flash a beautiful smile for the photographs?
Do you stand up straight while smiling?
Do you practice to smile?
Do you wear lipstick?
Common conclusions
If you've always said that you don't care about the way you look or if self-grooming is not something on your list, it is time to think again! If you don't have clean teeth, you may hesitate to flaunt it to others and this can stop you from flashing your smile. Sometimes, you may not even feel good smiling in the mirror. Why put yourself through it when you can clean your teeth a bit and show off your beautiful smile to the world?
Crooked or broken teeth can be a common reason to not smile often as you don't want others to see your teeth. If this is the case, it is time you make an appointment to the dentist, and fix those teeth at the earliest. Don't let your broken teeth stop you from smiling, especially when there are a ton of dentistry procedures available to fix them easily. Also, consider whitening your teeth to give you a brighter smile.
Be your natural self and don't try to bring in a false smile while taking a picture. This will make your face look relaxed. When you add a slight smile, you're sure to look gorgeous in the photograph and this can bring back great memories when you look at it many years from now.
Now you may wonder what in the world does a posture have to do with your smile. Well, lots really. Sometimes, your smile may look like you have a double-chin, especially when you bend down or slouch forward. A better posture is to stand straight and drop your chin slightly while smiling to give a natural look and a large and flashy smile.
Just like everything else, a perfect smile won't happen overnight. It would require consistent practice and the best way is to stand before a mirror and practice. Though this may sound silly to you and other family members in your family, this is the best way to improve your smile. Over time, you'll have a natural and unforced smile that is sure to impress others in a big way.
Choosing the right shade of lipstick can go a long way in making your teeth look whiter than what it is. Also, some shades can hide yellow stains as well. At the same time, choosing the wrong color can make your smile less appealing. So, wear lipstick, but make sure you pick the right shade.
Many experts opine that lipstick can greatly improve your smile and can even make your smile the focal point of your entire face. So, start wearing lipstick right away to improve that beautiful smile.
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