Most common questions used to investigate
Do you know what the keto diet is?
Are you looking for a long-term solution?
Are you highly disciplined?
Do you have other conditions such as type 2 diabetes or PCOS?
Do you have fluctuating blood pressure?
Do you have a packed schedule that demands physical and mental activity?
Common conclusions
Well, begin by understanding what this diet is all about. Unlike other diets that recommend you to cut back on calories, this diet is a bit different as it recommends you to turn to fat for 60 to 80 percent of your calories. That means, you'll be taking in a lot of fat than what you're used to and this can be a bit difficult to start with. The idea is your body starts producing something called ketones that are necessary to metabolize fat and it can take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours for your body to start producing them.
The keto diet is a short-term diet as you will be replacing carbs with fat. There is a time limit to how long you can consume this diet and this depends on your weight loss goals. Since fats are your main source, this is not a long-term diet because you are forcing your liver to produce ketones. This is a bit tricky and may not be ideal for all people. Moreover, you have to deprive yourself of carbs and this includes everything you've known all your life such as bread and potatoes! For this reason, it is not a long-term solution for a healthy solution and can act as a stop-gap solution for a quick weight loss.
The keto diet requires the highest levels of discipline as even the smallest mistake can bring you out of ketosis, a body process that helps you to lose weight by tapping into your fat stores instead of relying on carbs for energy. Even if you add a latte or a single fruit that is not on your meal plan, you can come out of ketosis. Hence, this diet requires the highest levels of discipline.
The keto diet was used in the 1920s as a cure to diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy, and PCOS. Scientific studies prove that a keto diet does help to alleviate some of these conditions, subject to other stipulations. If you plan to shift to a keto diet to address these underlying conditions, make sure you check with a healthcare professional before you start on this diet.
The keto diet is not for you. You can see a big drop in blood pressure within the first 24 to 48 hours after you start this diet and this can make you lethargic. If you have problems with fluctuating blood pressure, look at other options.
Try the keto diet when you're relatively free and can take some time off as this can increase lethargy and feeling of tiredness within the first 24 to 48 hours.
You may start your keto diet right away!
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