Are you constantly learning new skills?
Are you getting enough sleep?
Do you exercise regularly?
Do you smoke?
Are you watching your diet?
Do you practice meditation?
Do you believe here are thing you can do to improve your memory?
Being mentally active and challenging your brain is associated with better mental functioning and memory skills. Practice new hobbies and break your routine every now and then. Learn a language, read books, learn new subjects, get to know new people, play an instrument, volunteer for a project that involves a skill you don’t usually use – all these activities are believed to help build a stronger memory.
It has shown that getting a full night’s sleep, around 7-9 hours a night for adults, is linked to memory consolidation and better cognitive performances. Furthermore, taking a nap or a few hours' sleep right after you learn something new has shown improved memory skills comparing to not getting any sleep. Got a big presentation tomorrow? Go over it before you go to sleep. It has a better chance to sink in than pulling an all-nighter.
Some studies suggest that being physically active can help improve your memory and thinking skills in just a few months. Aerobic exercises that get your heart pumping, such as walking, running, swimming and dancing are most recommended. Exercising regularly is a coherent part of every healthy lifestyle, and now you know it’s good for your memory as well.
Quit smoking. Some studies link smoking with a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
High sugar levels, low blood pleasure and high cholesterol levels are some of the things you should keep an eye on concerning memory impairments. Fatty fish (such as salmon, trout and sardines, which are all rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids), berries, coffee, dark chocolate and nuts are some of the foods you should add to your diet for better memory functions. Also look into the Mediterranean diet, which is high in unsaturated fats.
Regular practice of meditation and mindfulness has shown to improve memory and cognitive skills. This is something easy and affordable that you can start doing immediately at home. These methods help you focus your mind and eliminate distractions. In the long term it improves learning skills and overall cognitive performances.
While some things that affect your memory, such as genetics, are still out of your control, there ARE things you can do to help improve your memory actively. Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, being physically active, learning new skills, challenging your brain and mental abilities, being socially active – these things have been scientifically proven to have positive effects on memory skills and are absolutely under your control at any age.
Good, then you should stay on guard and be as active and healthy as you can at any age. Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, being physically active, learning new skills, challenging your brain and mental abilities, being socially active – these are things that have been scientifically proven to have positive effects on memory skills.