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Do I Have Personality Change Due To Another Medical Condition?

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proposes Do you experience a persistent personality disturbance that represents a change from your previous characteristic personality pattern? Note: In children, the disturbance involves a marked deviation from normal development or a significant change in the child’s usual behavior patterns, lasting at least 1 year.

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Most common questions used to investigate

Do you experience a persistent personality disturbance that represents a change from your previous characteristic personality pattern? Note: In children, the disturbance involves a marked deviation from normal development or a significant change in the child’s usual behavior patterns, lasting at least 1 year.

Is there evidence from history, physical examination or laboratory findings that the disturbance is the direct pathophysiological consequence of another medical condition?

Can you confirm that the disturbance is not better explained by another mental disorder (including another mental disorder due to another medical condition)?

Can you confirm that the disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium?

Does the disturbance cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning?

Common conclusions

While it is unlikely that you have personality change due to another medical condition, you may be displaying some signs related to it. Your personally can change throughout life and also mood changes from time to time are normal. However, in case of unusual personality changes, it can indicate a medical problem. An example of a change in personality is when a behavior is inconsistent with how someone would normally or typically react. If you are not sure about your symptoms or if you are worried about the symptoms of someone close to you, it may be useful to plan a visit to the doctor.

While it is unlikely that you have personality change due to another medical condition, you are displaying some signs related to it. A gradual personality change is not something uncommon, but a sudden change can be a sign of a personality disorder. When someone shows unusual behavior over some time, it can be caused by for example, an illness or injury. Someone may be diagnosed with the disorder if the person shows signs of personality problems but does not meet the diagnostic criteria for the other personality patterns (e.g., paranoid, histrionic, obsessive-compulsive, paranoid, schizotypical).

Unfortunately, you are displaying the symptoms typically seen among individuals who have personality change due to another medical condition. It may be of high importance to seek medical support. Your doctor may order some tests, including a blood exam, glucose level test and hormone exams. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may also want you to do a CT scan or MRI. In case there is no evidence of medical conditions, your doctor will refer you to a mental health professional. Treatment can be useful, but the personality problems will not always be solved. Your doctor may find it necessary to prescribe medication. Additionally, psychotherapy may be very beneficial to learn to deal with stressful situations.


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Ambra null
Hi! I’m Ambra Marcucci. I have a PhD in Psychology and Justice and I have been working as a content writer for over 2 years. Besides writing, I am an extremely passionate American Football player, and I am studying to become a sports agent. I’m originally Dutch and speak Italian, English and Portuguese as well. You can find me on LinkedIn at: