Most common questions used to investigate
Have you recently experienced a strong toothache?
Are you going to place crowns or already have crowns on your teeth?
Are you going to have orthodontic treatment?
Are you going to remove one or several teeth?
Have you recently noticed any cavities in your teeth especially between them?
Common conclusions
Facing heavy toothache may be a reason of dental nerve inflammation. To see what is going on inside your tooth you may need to take an X-Ray. That is also needed if you are displaying some symptoms of inflammation over the root apex. X-rays are also needed during root canal treatment. Moreover, it is needed for follow-up control when your canals were already treated. Make sure you wear the guard.
Having crowns in your mouth needs thorough control and regular checkups due to root canal condition. Especially when these crowns are placed on vital teeth. If you are going to place crowns you may need an X-Ray to be sure that there is no inflammation over the apex. If there is something pathological you should undergo treatment before crowns are placed. Make sure you wear the guard.
When preparing for the orthodontic treatment (braces or plates) it is important to see if there are some situations that should be treated beforehand. Moreover, your roots placement should be seen as well as your wisdom teeth. You may also need a detailed 3D shots of your teeth and bone condition. These shots can help your dentist provide efficient treatment. Make sure you wear the guard.
If you have some teeth to remove you may need an X-Ray shot beforehand. It helps your dentist see how a particular tooth lays in bone. At the end of extraction sometimes one more control shot is needed. That amount of X-Rays is safe. Make sure you wear the guard.
Having cavities in your teeth is a risk due to nerve chamber placement. The larger the cavity is, the less distance there is between the decay and your nerve. The most dangerous cavities are hidden ones (between teeth as well). To see the size of decay your dentist may need to take an X-Ray.
Based on your answers, it is difficult to determine if you may need an X-Ray. Schedule a visit to your dentist as soon as possible.
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