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Do I Have Anxiety?

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proposes Do you feel like you worry too much about a lot of things and that an inexplicable fear is holding you back?

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Most common questions used to investigate

Do you feel like you worry too much about a lot of things and that an inexplicable fear is holding you back?

Does your worrying negatively affect your personal and professional life?

Are there more days that you worry than not?

Is it hard for you to control your anguish?

Have you experienced one or more physical symptoms in the last month? Physical manifestations of anxiety include muscle tension, restlessness, trouble falling and staying asleep, feeling tired easily or trouble concentrating.

Common conclusions

Anxiety is characterized by a general feature of excessive fear and/or excessive worrying about a future threat. It can have a highly negative impact on one’s life. If you answered No to this question it means that you feel you can manage your worrying and it has not severely impacted your day to day life therefore, it is unlikely you have anxiety.

People who suffer from anxiety often feel out of control and uncertain about their personal life and professional progress. The fear they feel, prevents them from enjoying life. Based on your answers, you do not have anxiety symptoms, however you might be going through a stressful time. Remember, a certain level of worrying keeps us alert and aware!

Stressful days are not that uncommon. Often we confuse stress for anxiety since their symptoms are similar. However, anxiety persists for a longer period of time and it feels completely debilitating. If you are worried about your feelings, seek professional help.

The anxiety and worry must cause significant distress or interfere with the individual's daily life, professional or social functioning to meet the diagnosis. If you don’t find yourself in this category and you feel like you have control over your worrying, you do not meet the criteria for an anxiety disorder but if you are worried about your feelings, seek professional help.

Anxiety disorders are often accompanied by physical manifestations, which in many cases are the first warning signs. This is important criteria to establish the diagnosis of anxiety. Based on your answers, you do not have anxiety. If you are worried about your other symptoms, you should consider seeking professional help.

Based on your answers, you might have an anxiety disorder. The good news is that anxiety disorders can be successfully treated. You should seek professional help to learn how to proceed.

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