Most common questions used to investigate
Are you almost always hard on yourself, when you don’t meet your expectations?
Do you punish yourself for letting other people down?
Do you think your flaws are the reason for your previous or current failures?
Do you generally push yourself over the limits and frequently ignore your body’s basic needs like sleep, food or exercise?
Common conclusions
Setting goals helps you maintain your focus and it’s a great source of motivation, as long as your goals are achievable. There is nothing wrong with dreaming high, but oftentimes unreasonable targets and the pressure we put on ourselves to meet them, is a cause for stress, anxiety and disappointment. When something that you wanted didn’t have the results that you were expecting, instead on being hard on yourself try to be as compassionate as possible. What would you say to a disappointed friend? Chances are, you would use kind and respectable words. Always remember that your intentions were good, no matter the outcome.
Truth is, we will always expect the best from other people, usually not thinking about the other person’s needs. When you feel like you let somebody down, although it is hard, try to see the best in yourself. Sometimes we make decisions that upset other people, it might feel unfair or overwhelming. Still, it is not selfish to want to take care of yourself, to choose what is best for yourself, even if your decision might hurt others.
When you notice a flaw, try to see the beauty in it. Rather than criticizing and hating your body or a personality trait, notice how far you’ve come and how hard you are trying every day. Find gratitude in what you are and what you have. Your legs are taking you places, your eyes help you see, your stubbornness got you that prize. Indeed, you are not perfect, but you are doing the best with what you have.
Generally people don’t realize until too late, that ignoring their body’s needs on a daily basis creates more harm than one would think. Our physiological needs (e.g. air, food, drink, sleep) are to the human body like fuel to cars. Your car wouldn’t start without a certain type of fuel, right? As important as it is to accomplish your tasks and reach your goals, remember to rest and listen to your body’s needs. By being kind to your body, you are being kind to your mind, also.
Kindness comes in many different forms. If you want to be kinder to yourself start by practicing gratitude every day and acknowledging what you already do best. Make a list of all the things that you do best, ask your friends what they like and respect about you. And most importantly, take good care of your health.
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