Most common questions used to investigate
Have you been dealing with financial problems due to your excessive shopping?
Do you have unboxed goods and/or clothes in your closet with the tags still on them?
When in a bad mood, do you often feel like shopping is the only thing that can satisfy you?
Do you buy a new outfit before every event you go to?
Do you constantly feel like you've got nothing to wear, even though your closet is full of clothes?
Do you feel good while shopping, but guilty soon after?
Have you experienced conflicts with your loved ones regarding your shopping habits?
Have you decided to buy less, but have not been able to do so?
Are you frequently preoccupied by shopping related thoughts, in a way that interferes with your social/occupational functioning?
Do you often follow an irresistible itch-like impulse to go on time-consuming yet exciting shopping sprees?
Common conclusions
You don't seem to have a shopping addiction.
You show some signs of unhealthy shopping habits, but you don't have an addiction. Nevertheless, you should take some serious steps to make sure you don't cross the line, while it's still under your control. First you must admit you have a problem - you are steps away from being a compulsive shopper. Second, with that in mind, stop carrying credit cards and checkbooks, try to rely solely on cash. Third, don't go shopping by yourself. Having someone else there with you will make you feel embarrassed and will lower the chances of you losing control over yourself. It is also recommended that you find meaningful ways to spend your time other than shopping.
It appears you are dealing with a shopping addiction, also referred to as compulsive buying disorder. Early identification and correct management of the problem can help limit possible long-term damages to your finance and relationships. This problematic behavior should be treated appropriately by a professional, and we advise that you seek proper help.
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